Services & Procedures



The SAGE Centre offers management and treatment of benign gynaecology conditions. This includes endometriosis, pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and abnormal cervical screening tests (also known as CST or PAP smears). We also specialise in management of urinary incontinence, prolapse and pelvic floor disorders.


Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery

Dr Sarah Choi and Dr Sam Daniels are both advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgeons. They are highly skilled and specialise in minimally invasive surgery and robotic procedures. Both modalities confer the benefits of quicker recovery time and minimal scarring compared to open procedures.



Dr Sam Daniels will be offering urodynamic assessments for all eligible patients at the SAGE Centre. Urodynamics is an important assessment tool for managing patients with incontinence and ensuring best care and optimal management plans can be instigated.



The gynaecologists at The SAGE Centre are both C-QuIP certified, which means they are able to confidently and competently manage abnormal cervical screening results that warrant further investigation through colposcopy. This requires close examination of the cervix with potential for biopsy and treatment, this can be offered in the rooms of the SAGE Centre.



Hysteroscopy is the procedure that involves examination of the lining of the uterus with a camera under a general anaesthetic. This is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed by gynaecologists and can be utilised to investigate abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility and on occasion pelvic pain. Complex operative hysteroscopy can include removal of intra-uterine fibroids, polyps or uterine scarring.


Make An Appointment.

To make an appointment fill out the following form and we will be in touch, or contact us on 1300 885 803.